Why I find clouds more romantic than the moon

Abdul Raffay
3 min readSep 1, 2022

Most people find their loneliness in the moon, they use the moon to express someone, use it as a metaphor, and convey the idea of love and romance through it, some symbolize the moon as a joyful life or I’d say that there are writings where the moon is used in our literature where writers and poets used it to express themselves, express their ideas. But my views are different from the moon I find clouds more romantic and more attractive than the moon. The more I'm able to study the clouds the more I fall in love with them

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Here are some points that will clarify my points that why clouds fascinate me more than the moon

Clouds express their feeling, and their mood via their thunder, and the cool breeze they bring with them, also they remove the harshness of the sun which the moon cannot.

Clouds are soft and fluffy which according to me shows the cuteness and attractiveness of them

Clouds also talk to you by changing their shape, size and color. If the clouds are soft, are light in color, they express their happiness and merriment, on the contrary, thunder clouds are dark and full of temper which shows their rage.

If clouds are happy they will enlighten your mood with their pale and hazy breeze that presses your skin, you will feel good, by their rain they wash debris out of everything giving them a new wonderful look.

But if clouds are upset they will give out blasts, their thunderbolts, their hard strike lightning can literally destroy everything. This shows the thrashing of the clouds.

As the clouds change their mood a person's mood changes accordingly, a good and happy cloud will make you happy while an uproar cloud can stress you a lot with its bolt of lightning and its sound called thunder.

Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash

Whenever we talk about a good and a pleasing weather it is always due to the clouds, the rain, the snow, elimination of the harsh rays of the sun is all due to clouds on the other hand moon is nothing but a source of light we cannot fancy it as we can do it with clouds. The moon never changes its mood, it is in a continuous rhythm of the day instead we are desperate to see the clouds so that we can enjoy a good weather but the moon does nothing, nothing but a star revolving around the earth I don't know why people find it romantic and the source of their writing neither it expresses its feeling like the clouds do nor it changes the sensation of the viewer.

It is soo good to see the clouds, their softness, the good pleasing weather, and the feeling they bring along with them.

Hey! Thank you so much for your time. I hope you love my writing if you do, do give a follow, see you next time!



Abdul Raffay

I'm a new writer tho my writing skills might not be that good but I'm trying, I'll do my best in this regard, thank you for your time!